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Git Cheat Sheet

Git is the free and open source distributed version control system that's responsible for everything GitHub related that happens locally on your computer. This cheat sheet features the most important and commonly used Git commands for easy reference. SETUP set a name that is identifiable for credit when review version history. git config --global “[firstname lastname]” set an email address that will be associated with each history maker. git config --global “[valid-email]” set automatic command-line colouring for Git for easy reviewing. git config --global color.ui auto SETUP & INIT initialize an existing directory as a Git repository git init Retrieve an entire repository from a hosted location via URL. git clone [url] STAGE & SNAPSHOT Show modified files in working directory, staged for your next commit. git status Add a file as it looks now to your next commit. git add [file] Unstage a file while retaining the changes in working

Get IMDB Ratings of Movies & TV Shows in Your Terminal

A command line tool for getting information about a movie and comparing two movies. It is written entirely in JavaScript just like the virtual Apple Macintosh that can be installed on Windows, Linux and macOS. To install it run the following command Linux sudo npm i -g movie-cli Install in macOS with: npm i -g movie-cli To get information about a movie type movie Movie Name Example movie Star Wars Information provided includes : Title, year, date released, runtime, genre, director, actors, language and even IMDB rating. To compare two movies, type movie Movie Name1 :: Movie name2 Example movie Star Wars :: Wild Information provided includes: Title, year, date released, runtime, genre and IMDB rating. The project is available on GitHub along with the source code. You can check it out if you wish. It was created by Mayank Chandola .

Astrofox: a Motion Graphics Tool for Creating Audio-Reactive Visuals Synced to Music

Astrofox is a motion graphics tool for creating audio-reactive visuals synced to music. You can combine images and text with audio elements like sound waves and spectrum bars that react to music. You can go further by adding one of many effects like blur and glow to enhance your visuals. afterwards, you can save your work as high-definition and share them on social media sites to gain new fans. The main goal of Astrofox is to provide you a tool that lets you quickly and easily create videos of amazing music visualizations. This tool is useful especially to the following groups of people Musicians because nowadays videos are everywhere and your goal is to have as many people as possible to hear your music. Astrofox lets you create eye-catching videos that will play on big social media platforms such as Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. Artists and marketers can quickly and easily generate motion graphics without having to hire or pay a designer or developer. Podcasters

How To Play Music on Your Terminal

MOC (music on console) is a music player app for linux/unix command line interface designed to be simple and robust enough to run smoothly on your terminal without significantly affecting other I/O operations. "MOC plays smoothly, regardless of system or I/O load because it uses the output buffer in a separate thread. The transition between files is gapless, because the next file to be played is precached while the current file is playing" . as quoted from their website. Top features JACK, ALSA, SNDIO An inbuilt simple equalizer. A mixer that can be connected to an external mixer. Fully customizable keymapping. Playlist and directory search. Support for internet streams. Theme options Character set conversion using iconv() The latest stable release is MOC 2.5.2.  Version 2.6-alpha3 seems to be the one installed although it is still in development according to their page. It has the following improvements. Complete support for all Sndfile fo

LBRY: A Blockchain Based Decentralised YouTube Alternative

It is a free open source and community run platform for sharing digital content.  It is a new protocol with a peer to peer, decentralized file sharing and payment network secured with blockchain technology. You own your data, you control the network. Indeed you are the network. Content creators can use LBRY to share digital content like videos, music, images, e-books and even podcasts.As a user, you can use the platform to watch videos, listen to music and read e-books.  The platform doesn't have ads on its website and does not track you in order to serve you ads like YouTube does. It is ad free if you are logged into the network or using it's app. LBRY app is available for Android, iOS, Windows, Linux and macOS. The mobile apps also show you the value of your LBC in USD. You can browse their website  here . It has both light and dark modes. LBRY is governed by its own cryptocurrency called LBRY Credits or LBC for short. These can be earned in various ways incl

Navigating The File System In Linux

In my opinion, the most important thing to learn as a newbie in the Linux system is navigating the file system. Files in Linux systems are organized in a hierarchical directory structure, that is, a tree-like pattern of directories or folders. The first directory is called the root directory and it contains files and subdirectories which contain even more files and directories. Linux unlike Windows has a single file system tree regardless of how many storage devices or drives are attached or mounted to the computer. Storage devices are mounted at different points of the tree according to the inclination of the system administrator. Windows on the other hand, has a separate file system for each storage device. Current Working Directory   To display the current working directory, we use the  pwd command (print working directory). By default, when we start a terminal session, our home directory is usually our current working directory. Each user account in a Linux system is

What is the Shell in Linux?

The shell is a program that takes keyboard commands and passes them to the operating system to carry out. It is named a shell because it the outermost layer around the operating system. Almost all Linux distributions have a shell program from the GNU project called bash which is an acronym for "Bourne Again SHell". It was founded by Steve Bourne . To gain access to the shell, we use terminal emulators or as commonly known the terminal. We use them to interact with the shell when using a grahical user interface (GUI). Examples are gnome-terminal which is used in GNOME. Starting a Terminal Session There are various ways to launch the terminal emulator or terminal. 1. Use Keyboard shortcut - Ctrl + Alt + T  2. Launch it from applications menu. Type Terminal in the search bar and hit enter. What appears is called a shell prompt and it appears whenever the shell is ready to accept input. It includes your username@computername followed by your current working director

How To Create ASCII Text Banners in the Terminal

There are 2 tools used for this purpose. Figlet  Toilet Figlet is a simple command line utility for creating large letters out of ordinary text. Toilet is a sub-command under figlet used for creating colourful large characters from ordinary text.Bot utilities are available in the default package manager. So in order to use them, they have to be installed. Ubuntu/Debian sudo apt install figlet toilet CentOS/RHEL sudo yum install figlet toilet Fedora 22+ sudo dnf install figlet toilet How To Use Figlet After installing, all you need to do is provide the text you want to transform as an argument to figlet as shown below. figlet Other modifications that can be made to it include Justification - Align text to the left, right or center To create output at the center, use figlet -c To create output to the right, use figlet -r To create output to the left, use figlet -l Define output


Image by James Chan from Pixabay A lot of us seem to find our true meaning of life in this world, and yet, many have found absolutely nothing to their liking. To some, it means laughter and love. To others it may mean trouble, despair and fever dreams. Some will just walk away from this question like they do for everything else in their so called 'life' but there are others who are willing to take the chance and try to figure out their own meaning of life and strive to achieve their solution.  Life is never easy but its just the way life goes. It can be so uncertain , never being sure of what lies ahead. But even then life should be handled like a priceless everlasting treasure. It is full of happiness, joy love and pleasure. It will give you many choices; to wear tears, smiles or frowns.  When it comes down to it, the bottom line is life is a wonderful thing and we should stand with open arms to receive what life has to give. Life should be

12 Different Ways To Use pwd command

NAME pwd - print name of current/working directory. It prints the path of the working directory starting from root(/).  SYNOPSIS pwd [option]... DESCRIPTION Print the full filename of the current working directory. It has 2 flags and it takes no arguments. -L, --logical use pwd from environment, even if it contains symbolic links. -P, --physical avoid all symbolic links. If both -L and -P options are used, -L is taken into priority. And if no option is specified at the command prompt, pwd will avoid all symlinks, so -P is assumed. --help  display this help and exit --version output version information and exit Returns zero unless an invalid option is given or the current directory cannot be read. Therefore, 0 = success. Non-zero(any character that is not zero) = failure. NOTE: your shell may have its own version of pwd, which usually supersedes the version described here. So we'll use /bin/pwd instead of pwd alone. Reason : pwd alone means the s